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Decrees on New Conditions for Foreign Residency in Egypt

Heba El Abd
Managing Associate
On August 29, 2023, the Egyptian Prime Minister issued Decree No. 3326 of 2023 of 2023, which provides new conditions for residency permits in Egypt (the “Decree”). The Decree also outlines the conditions for legitimizing the residence of illegal foreign residents. The Decree enters into force fifteen (15) days from its issuance date (as of September 13, 2023).
According to the Decree, foreigners seeking residency in Egypt, regardless of whether they are applying for tourist or non-tourist visas, are required to include a payment receipt from an authorized bank or authorized currency exchange along with their application, as evidence that they have transferred the necessary amount in United States Dollars (“USD”) or other foreign currencies, covering the required government fees for residency, any applicable late fees, and the cost of obtaining a residency card (the “Payment Receipt”).
In this regard, on September 13, 2023, the Ministry of Interior issued Decree No. 1777 of 2023 (the “Executive Decree”) which outlines the regulations, procedures, and timelines to be followed to implement the provisions of the Decree. The Executive Decree is effective as of September 16, 2023.
On the other hand, both the Decree and the Executive Decree stipulate a number of conditions for legalization of the stay of illegal foreign residents, including, for example, the existence of an Egyptian national host.
Upon the thorough evaluation and consideration of the foreigner’s request, and subject to the Competent Authority’s approval thereof, the foreigner shall be notified to pay an amount of USD 1,000 or an equivalent amount in any other foreign currency into the designated deposits account of the Competent Authority.
It is worth noting that the Decree grants illegal residents the opportunity to avoid the application of the severe sanctions provided for under the provisions of the Residency Law No. 89 of 1960 (the “Residency Law”). The sanctions under the Residency Law reach monetary fines, imprisonment for a period not exceeding two (2) years, and deportation of the illegitimate resident.